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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bhir Mound (6th-2nd centuries B.C.)


Bhir Mound (6th-2nd centuries B.C.)

The Bhir mound is all that remains of a thriving city that flourished from the 6th to the 2nd centuries B. C. Built on a small plateau in the open fields, the city took advantage of the various trade routes crisscrossing central Asia. Though fortified, the city was no match for Alexander the Great, who conquered the area in the 3rd century B.C. It was here that King Ambhi received Alexander and his Greek armies. Little survives of the city beyond foundation stones, but these tell us that the streets were narrow and the house plans very irregular. There is little evidence of planning - most of the streets are very haphazard. The houses were probably made of stone rubble with wooden ceilings. Settlement at the Bhir mound site ended when the Bactrian Greeks built a new city called Sirkap 

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